Fraction Laser CO2

Although we see visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles, after many years, our skin is gradually losing its regenerative potential from the age of 20. Studies show that the intensity of collagen production has been decreasing since this age.

Regardless of age, collagen is the most important element responsible for firmness, firmness and proper skin tone. Can we do something to help produce this extremely important substance? Of course! The method of rejuvenating the skin with a CO2 laser is one of the most liked by our patients. The wide application, precise operation and spectacular effects of this method make up the huge functionality and popularity of this aesthetic medicine treatment.

How does the fraction laser work?

Fractional CO2 laser technology is based on the use of a high-energy laser beam. During the procedure, individual, extremely precise pulses of light are sent, which task is to remove unwanted upper layers of the epidermis, as well as causing micro-damage to the skin at a deeper level. How can damage to the skin, however, help rejuvenate it?

Well, the cells stimulated by the laser begin to produce properly cross-linked collagen at an increased rate. This effect lasts up to several months after the procedure, gradually strengthening and firming the skin. By the way, the enlarged pores are closed. What’s more, the extraordinary precision of the laser beam means that damage to surrounding tissues is minimal, which speeds up the regenerative process after the procedure. The accuracy of this method allows it to be used in sensitive areas such as eyelids.

In what situations can the fractional laser be used?

The multidirectional, beneficial effects of the laser allow it to be used not only to rejuvenate the skin, but also to eliminate lesions, discolorations and many other imperfections:

  • Loose skin, loss of elasticity.
  • Wrinkles (including around the mouth, eyes and eyelids).
  • Discoloration.
  • Enlarged pores, blackheads.
  • Alignment of skin irregularities.
  • Scars: acne, postoperative, post-traumatic or inflammatory.
  • Photoaging.
  • Stretch marks.
  • Warts.
  • Fibroid tumours.
  • Improving skin tone with yellowish or greyish tint.

Contraindications for the procedure are pregnancy, breastfeeding, skin disruption, cancer, use of retinoids up to 6 months after the procedure, use of photosensitizing drugs, active herpes.

Should this procedure be repeated?

Yes, the number of treatments needed is determined individually depending on patients’ skin changes. The most common are:

  • 2-3 treatments for skin rejuvenation,
  • 5-6 treatments for removing deep scars.

How long does recovery take and can I help my skin regenerate?

Patients are anesthetized about 1 hour before the surgery, thanks to which the whole procedure is practically painless. After 2 hours after the procedure you can feel a slight feeling of heat similar to a sunburn, which later completely disappears. Thanks to the precision of the laser, the skin heals completely within 5-7 days after the procedure. At this time, a small swelling may persist and the epidermis peels off (its colour may be slightly brown).

During the first month after the procedure, you should avoid using the services of saunas, hot baths, and also use the SPF 50+ sunscreen. We recommend using regenerative and intensively moisturizing creams up to a week after the laser. Do not apply makeup immediately after the procedure.

The treatment can be performed with exosomes.

Treatments with fractional CO2 laser are performed by:

Fraction Laser CO2 - kamila stachura

Kamila Stachura, MD

Dermatology Specialist, Aesthetic Medicine Physician

Fraction Laser CO2 - laser frakcyjny
Fraction Laser CO2 - image
Fraction Laser CO2: photo before the procedure and 3 months after.